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Plataforma Solar de Almeria - PSA
A laboratory of CIEMAT, Spain
(Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology)

PSA is the Spanish laboratory for research on industrial applications of concentrated solar energy.
The objectives that inspire its research activity are the following:
iconTo contribute to a sustainable, clean, world energy supply.
iconTo contribute to conservation of European energy resources, climate and environment.
iconTo promote market introduction of solar thermal technologies and derived solar chemical processes.
iconTo contribute to the development of a competitive Spanish solar thermal export industry.
iconTo reinforce the cooperation between business and scientific institutions.
iconTo foster cost-reducing of the solar thermal technologies.
iconTo assist industry in identifying market opportunities related to solar thermal technologies.
The scientific and technical commitments of the PSA and their associated workload are undertaken by a team of 93 persons who make up the permanent staff that lends its services to the Plataforma Solar.
Moreover, in addition to this permanent staff, there is a considerable influx of trainees and visiting researchers who are managed by the Director's Office.
PSA aerial view PSA aerial view

Detoxification loop Detoxification loop
At present, the main test facilities available at the PSA are :
iconCESA-1 and SSPS-CRS central receiver systems, 7 and 2.7 MWth respectively
iconSSPS-OCS 1.2-MWth parabolic -trough collector system, with associated thermal storage system and water desalination plant
iconDISS 1.8-MWth test loop, an excellent experimental system for two-phase flow research and direct steam generation for electricity production
iconHTF test loop for new parabolic trough collector components
iconDISTAL dish/Stirling facility, 6 units.
iconA 60-kWth solar furnace for thermal materials treatments.
iconDETOX Loop: A solar chemistry facility
iconLaboratory for Energy Testing of Building Components (LECE)
iconMeteorological station.
CESA-1 central receiver facility
CESA-1 central receiver facility
(see SOLLAB highlight)
SOLLAB Highlight

The CESA-1 central receiver system is a very flexible facility operated for testing subsystems and components such as heliostats, solar receivers, thermal storage, solarized gas turbines, control systems and concentrated solar radiation high flux me a s u r e me n t instrumentation .

In figure: 80 m-high tower plus 300 heliostats which deliver up to 7 MWth to the receiver, maximum flux density 2 MW.m-2 .


June 15 – 17, 2017
13th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies will be organised in Berlin by the DLR, Germany

June 6 – 8, 2016
12th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies will be organised by the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), Spain

June 23 – 25, 2014
10th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at PROMES Odeillo, France

March 2014
New position for a research engineer, experienced in energy systems at CNRS/PROMES

May 13 – 14, 2013
9th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at Hornberg Castle in the Black Forest, Germany

June 25-26, 2012
8th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at Almería, Spain

December 19, 2011
New Position for a PhD student opened at the Paul Scherrer Institute

March 24-25, 2011
2nd SFERA Winter School at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

March 21-23, 2011
7th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium in Grindelwald, Switzerland

June7-9, 2010
6th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PROMES Odeillo, France

September 2009
New Post-doctoral position opened at PROMES, 2009-2010

June 22-24, 2009
5th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, DLR Cologne, Germany

September 10-12, 2008
4th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PSA, Spain

September 11-12-13, 2007
3rd SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PROMES-Odeillo, France

14-15 Apr. 2006
1st Workshop SOLLAB Flux and Temperature Measurement Group - Odeillo